Category Calculator - 2024 (as per eligibility norms for Statutory Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks)

Applicant Type
No. of exclusive Partners:
No. of exclusive CAs(exclusive partners above + exclusive Paid CA):
Professional staff#:
No. of years of Experience of Bank audit of the Applicant:
Bank audit experience of the Partners :
(Please indicate how many Partners have this experience, in the appropriate box,e.g. if 3 Partners have experience of more than 8 years, indicate 3 in the first box)
8 years and above 5-7 years 3-4 years upto 3 years
Date of Enrollment/Firm Establishment Date:
Application Year:
COP Date of Partner with longest COP:
(Exclusive partners only)
# Professional Staff includes Articled, Audit Assistant and Audit Staff having knowledge of book keeping and accountancy and engaged in outside audit but excludes typists, stenographers/computer operators, secretary(ies) and subordinates.